Tuesday, 26 March 2013


A few days ago we made dioramas on the wind in the willows. And we wrote about
what was happening in our dioramas or how our characters were feeling. Also we
made bugs with coloured stuff.  It was
fun. Later
Dylan got to be einstein on mathletics because he was good at it!

By Sam H
Blogger of the week.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Writing, writing, writing...

The Seniors have been writing up a storm in the last few weeks!  We have been writing on own choice topics.  Some children are writing imaginative 'made-up' stories, some are writing recounts about their daily lives and some are writing poetry.
One form of poem that we have been exploring is the picture quatrain.  Some children are adapting this form into their own organic piece of writing.  Ka Pai Seniors - you rock!
Here are some published works from Sumon, Sam Hay, Sam Davies and Jessie.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Marine Metre Squared

Metre Squared at Puketeraki  

On Monday 4th March the Senior room took part in the Metre Squared Workshop at Puketeraki.  We left school with Brendan (from the runaka) and walked along to the far end of Karitane beach near the big rocks.  We put our metre squares in the rock pools and used the rocky shore guide to identify all the things we saw.  We were amazed at what was there when you looked that closely!  We recorded this information on a tally chart which we are going to enter on the Marine Metre Squared website (www.mm2.net.nz)  Check it out.  You can compare our data with other regions in New Zealand.  We intend to do this regularly so that we can compare our data at different times of the year and from year to year, to see how things change.